Domestic fans
Domestic fans are intended to ensure mechanical supply and extraction of air in houses and flats.
Industrial fans
Industrial fans are used in ventilation systems of commercial and industrial spaces.
Ventilation grilles
Ventilation grilles belong to the air distribution equipment category.
Access doors
Access doors for enable quick and convenient access to concealed equipment and utility lines. Intended for use in wet areas.
A wide range of ventilation accessories helps to improve ventilation operation.
DOMOVENT TM stands for efficient high-quality ventilation system equipment for various spaces offered at highly competitive prices.
Our products include a diverse variety of domestic and industrial fans, ventilation grilles and access doors as well as a wide range of ventilation system accessories.
Our motto is "Practical and reliable made affordable".
This is what has turned DOMOVENT TM into a true people's ventilation brand and over the years earned the trust of many customers worldwide bringing fresh air and comfort to their homes.