Proper ventilation in houses and flats is absolutely essential for supplying fresh and clean air into spaces for the inhabitants' comfort and well-being. Regular replacement of stale air with fresh air supplied from outdoors makes the room air feel fresh, helps to get rid of odours and reduce the concentration of harmful substances, dust and allergens and plays an important role in keeping moisture levels, mould and germ development under control. This is why a ventilation system is a core element of life support in houses and flats.
DOMOVENT TM stands for efficient high-quality ventilation system equipment for various spaces offered at highly competitive prices.
Our products include a diverse variety of domestic and industrial fans, ventilation grilles and access doors as well as a wide range of ventilation system accessories.
Our motto is "Practical and reliable made affordable".
Due to supreme quality our products beat the foreign competition while remaining within the budgets of customers with average income.
This is what has turned DOMOVENT TM into a true people's ventilation brand and over the years earned the trust of many customers worldwide bringing fresh air and comfort to their homes.